Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
We had a really fun Christmas, Katie enjoyed opening gifts and watching Shrek the halls.
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas, baby and snow
So as I have been thinking back on my pregnancy and talking about it with my friend Jamie. She reminded me that when I first thought I was pregnant, I took like 10 pregnancy tests and everyone around me thought it was very funny. This cartoon was me !
So today I'm 7 months and 5 days pregnant! I only have about 10 weeks left, it seems so far away but I know that it's not.
So this month had been filled with fun Christmas activities. While Rob's family was visiting we went to Temple Square and saw the beautiful lights. Katie loved them and we had a good, cold time. Then a few weeks later Katie, Rob and I drove through the Thanksgiving point lights and Katie was very very excited and yelled "LIGHTS" the whole time. Then a few days later, Katie and I went to the mall and saw Santa, Katie was a little unsure but she smiled for the pictures. Then while we were at the mall we went to Build A Bear and Katie made a Christmas Deer named Holly, we had fun. We put up the Christmas last Monday and Katie likes to touch the lights and take the ornaments off and put them back on in different places. Katie and Rob also went outside on Sunday and made a sorta snowman, it was very cold and Katie wanted to come in. Last Thursday Rob and I got the go to the Mormon Tabernacle choir Christmas show and we had a wonderful time and the music was beautiful. Also somthing fun that has happned, we put Katie in a toddler bed and she is doing well. The first few nights she got up in the middle of the night and played with her toys but now she sleeps through the night!
We have been having a great Holiday season so far. we are just getting ready for Christmas and a fun new year. Hope everyone is doing well!

So this month had been filled with fun Christmas activities. While Rob's family was visiting we went to Temple Square and saw the beautiful lights. Katie loved them and we had a good, cold time. Then a few weeks later Katie, Rob and I drove through the Thanksgiving point lights and Katie was very very excited and yelled "LIGHTS" the whole time. Then a few days later, Katie and I went to the mall and saw Santa, Katie was a little unsure but she smiled for the pictures. Then while we were at the mall we went to Build A Bear and Katie made a Christmas Deer named Holly, we had fun. We put up the Christmas last Monday and Katie likes to touch the lights and take the ornaments off and put them back on in different places. Katie and Rob also went outside on Sunday and made a sorta snowman, it was very cold and Katie wanted to come in. Last Thursday Rob and I got the go to the Mormon Tabernacle choir Christmas show and we had a wonderful time and the music was beautiful. Also somthing fun that has happned, we put Katie in a toddler bed and she is doing well. The first few nights she got up in the middle of the night and played with her toys but now she sleeps through the night!
We have been having a great Holiday season so far. we are just getting ready for Christmas and a fun new year. Hope everyone is doing well!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's been a while
Sorry I have not blogged in a long time, life has been crazy. I went to visit my mom two weeks ago and the third day I was there, I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad pain in my back and stomach and I was really sick. So my mom took me to the hospital and they told me that I had Kidney stones and that it would just have to pass. So I stayed at the hospital all night and the next day and nothing happened, so they sent me home. I stayed at my mom's house for a few more days and still dd not really feel well. Then I went home on a Friday and on Saturday night I stared to get the same pain again. So Rob took me to the hospital and they did a bunch of tests and found out that I had Gaul stones. I had to have my Gaul bladder removed Monday morning, they do it laperscopically , so I have four little holes in my tummy. One of them being in my belly button. My mom came to help takes care of Katie and me and she left last Friday. I'm still sore and feel a little under the weather. I can't pick up anything over 20 lbs, so I can't pick up Katie, which has been really hard. I'm just thankful that everything is OK with the Baby and that I had family and friends close by to help. Thanks Joe and Lu and Jamie. Also my mom and Rob. Love you all!
On a happy note, Rob's family is coming for Thanksgiving and we are excited to see them and spend some time with them.
On a happy note, Rob's family is coming for Thanksgiving and we are excited to see them and spend some time with them.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
What a strong family
My Friend Cheri and her husband posted this quote from Joseph Smith on their blog in reference to their little sweetheart Macie, who passed away last Saturday. I was thinking that they were such a strong family to have these thoughts during such a hard time.
"The Lord takes away many, even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man and the sorrows and evils of the world. They are too pure, too lovely, to live on earth. Therefore, if rightly considered, instead of mourning, we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil and we shall soon have them again." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 196-197).
"The Lord takes away many, even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man and the sorrows and evils of the world. They are too pure, too lovely, to live on earth. Therefore, if rightly considered, instead of mourning, we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil and we shall soon have them again." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 196-197).
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So sad
I'm so very sad today. My friend Cheri lost her sweet baby girl yesterday. Cheri was about 37 weeks pregnant. They named the baby Macie, she was 7lbs. Her husband did not say what happened, just that Cheri was recovering form a C-section. My prayers are with her and her Family. Please say a little prayer for them, I think we can all understand . It also makes my so thankful for my baby Katie and my family!
Friday, October 10, 2008
We have some news!
Today I went to the doctor and found out that I'm having a girl. We are very excited that Katie will be having a little sister. Have a good weekend!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just a few thoughts!
I just wanted to say that I'm so excited that we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl on Friday!
The weather is getting cooler everyday. I'm not a big fan of the snow or cold but I love winter clothes. Though, I have to admit that I got some new winter maternity clothes and I'm excited to wear them. I also got some new winter clothes for Katie and she just looks so cute in warm snuggly clothes.
I have re-connected with some old friends and it's so nice to catch up and see how everyone is doing. I just can't believe that we were all kids together and now we have kids. Time flies!
Also, Monday night football is on....... GO SAINTS!
The weather is getting cooler everyday. I'm not a big fan of the snow or cold but I love winter clothes. Though, I have to admit that I got some new winter maternity clothes and I'm excited to wear them. I also got some new winter clothes for Katie and she just looks so cute in warm snuggly clothes.
I have re-connected with some old friends and it's so nice to catch up and see how everyone is doing. I just can't believe that we were all kids together and now we have kids. Time flies!
Also, Monday night football is on....... GO SAINTS!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's been to long!!!!!
Hello Everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. A lot had been going on. As some of you know I'm pregnant. I'll be four months this Saturday. We are very excited about having another baby. The downside to the pregnancy is that I have been very sick. I started feeling sick at about six weeks and I have been sick ever since. I have had to go to the hospital and get an IV about 6 times and I can't eat very much. I am starting to feel a little better but I'm still nervous that the sickness will come back. My due date is March 9Th, 2009!
Rob and I have decided to say in Utah for one more year, so we will be here until next summer and then I'm not sure where we will go from there. Rob likes his job and enjoys the people he works with. Our Katie has been going to a home daycare and she loves it, she is a social butterfly. Katie gets to swim and do crafts and go for walks, I feel good when she is there when I don't feel good.
Rob, Katie and I went to New Orleans at the beginning of June for his sister Sarah's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and we had a wonderful time spending time with family and Friends. We really enjoy going to New Orleans and enjoying the different culture and weather, also I think we all love the yummy food.
Katie and I went to my mom's house at the end of June for a visit and we had a ton of fun. We went and saw Thomas the Train. We got to ride on Thomas and play some fun games. Katie had a good time and did not want to leave. My mom and I took Katie to the beach and my mom took Katie for rides in her red wagon in the park. We love visiting Mimi and pop-pop in California!
On a sad note some family friends of ours, The Hyers. Have moved to Arizona and we miss them very much but we know that they are happy there, we love you guys and miss the card games and girls night!
My mom came to visit for a few day and we had a lot of fun. She is a good cook and I love having her here. We got to have some girl time, we went and saw Nights in Rodanthe. We also went shopping. Katie loves having her Grammie here to play with her. I think they had a good time together. I miss not having her around. Also while she was here it was Rob's birthday and she babysat for us so we could go out on a date, oh and just so you know Rob is 27! what a old man!
As the summer is coming to an end the weather is cooling down, we are looking forward to the holidays and seeing family. Hope everyone is doing well, we love you all!
Sorry I don't have any pics right now, I'll post them later!
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. A lot had been going on. As some of you know I'm pregnant. I'll be four months this Saturday. We are very excited about having another baby. The downside to the pregnancy is that I have been very sick. I started feeling sick at about six weeks and I have been sick ever since. I have had to go to the hospital and get an IV about 6 times and I can't eat very much. I am starting to feel a little better but I'm still nervous that the sickness will come back. My due date is March 9Th, 2009!
Rob and I have decided to say in Utah for one more year, so we will be here until next summer and then I'm not sure where we will go from there. Rob likes his job and enjoys the people he works with. Our Katie has been going to a home daycare and she loves it, she is a social butterfly. Katie gets to swim and do crafts and go for walks, I feel good when she is there when I don't feel good.
Rob, Katie and I went to New Orleans at the beginning of June for his sister Sarah's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and we had a wonderful time spending time with family and Friends. We really enjoy going to New Orleans and enjoying the different culture and weather, also I think we all love the yummy food.
Katie and I went to my mom's house at the end of June for a visit and we had a ton of fun. We went and saw Thomas the Train. We got to ride on Thomas and play some fun games. Katie had a good time and did not want to leave. My mom and I took Katie to the beach and my mom took Katie for rides in her red wagon in the park. We love visiting Mimi and pop-pop in California!
On a sad note some family friends of ours, The Hyers. Have moved to Arizona and we miss them very much but we know that they are happy there, we love you guys and miss the card games and girls night!
My mom came to visit for a few day and we had a lot of fun. She is a good cook and I love having her here. We got to have some girl time, we went and saw Nights in Rodanthe. We also went shopping. Katie loves having her Grammie here to play with her. I think they had a good time together. I miss not having her around. Also while she was here it was Rob's birthday and she babysat for us so we could go out on a date, oh and just so you know Rob is 27! what a old man!
As the summer is coming to an end the weather is cooling down, we are looking forward to the holidays and seeing family. Hope everyone is doing well, we love you all!
Sorry I don't have any pics right now, I'll post them later!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dance Dance Dance!
Our Little Katie loves to dance, especially when Dora comes on. She gets so excited. She starts jumping and waving her arms and singing. Here are a few pictures of her Rocking out!

We have Friends that live across the street from us and they have a little Pomeranian named Sasha. Katie loves her so much and she has learned to say her name and now she asks about her all the time. We go over and visit a lot. It's so cute to see how excited she gets when she see Sasha. Here are a few pictures of them together.

Friday, June 6, 2008
Summer Time At The Park
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Nice Day
We had a really nice day a few days ago, I believe it was about 70 degrees out, so Katie and I decided to go outside and play, here are some pictures, this is in our back yard!
Katie playing in her house

Katie shooting hoops

Katie learning to drive!
Katie on her climber/slide! I think it is her favorite

Katie enjoys playing outside and she loves having no shoes or socks on. She really likes to go down the slide and climbs on everything. Katie also loves it when I blow bubbles, she likes to try and catch them.
Monday, April 14, 2008
GoodBye Sammy!

Sammy had six toes on each foot and he loved to lay in the sunshine.
He was about 15 years old, so he lived a full life. We got Sammy from a
shelter when we were first married. I just wanted to put a few pics of him and say goodbye!
We love you Sammy!

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring is almost here!
I'm so excited to say that spring is here. Our days have benn getting warmer and sunnier, although it's still chilly in the early mornings and evenings. Katie is 19 months old, she is walking, talking and learning more everyday. She is such a joy to watch, plus she is cute as can be.
Katie loves going outside and playing. She has a little play house and a slide. We have a little girl that lives next door named Asya and she is 2 1/2, they are sweet little frineds and like to play together. Also, Asya's mom Jamie is becoming my really good friend, she is a sweet mom and friend. Katie has also been going to a daycare two days a week from 9am to 12pm and she loves it and has made a lot of friends and she is learning a lot also. I have been doing some tax prep work for Rob's dad and I've really loved doing some work on the side.
Rob is almost finished with his thesis, he should be done by the end of next month. Cross your fingers :). Rob also is still working for BlueHost, a web hosting company, he is a programmer there, he enjoys it.
We went to New York in Febuary for Emily's 8th Birthday and baptism, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Sarah, Rob's sister and her fiancee Kip are here visiting for a few days and its fun having them here, they are very cute together. They are getting married June 12th, 2008. We are very happy and excited for them. My mom is also coming next week to stay for a few day and I'm so excited to see her. We hope everyone is happy, healthy and doing well. We miss all our family and friends and look forward to when we we will see you next.
Katie loves going outside and playing. She has a little play house and a slide. We have a little girl that lives next door named Asya and she is 2 1/2, they are sweet little frineds and like to play together. Also, Asya's mom Jamie is becoming my really good friend, she is a sweet mom and friend. Katie has also been going to a daycare two days a week from 9am to 12pm and she loves it and has made a lot of friends and she is learning a lot also. I have been doing some tax prep work for Rob's dad and I've really loved doing some work on the side.
Rob is almost finished with his thesis, he should be done by the end of next month. Cross your fingers :). Rob also is still working for BlueHost, a web hosting company, he is a programmer there, he enjoys it.
We went to New York in Febuary for Emily's 8th Birthday and baptism, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Sarah, Rob's sister and her fiancee Kip are here visiting for a few days and its fun having them here, they are very cute together. They are getting married June 12th, 2008. We are very happy and excited for them. My mom is also coming next week to stay for a few day and I'm so excited to see her. We hope everyone is happy, healthy and doing well. We miss all our family and friends and look forward to when we we will see you next.
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