So my friend Jamie told me that I needed to post a new blog because it had been to long :)
So the last time I blogged it was Christmas, nothing to exciting has happened since then. I'm getting bigger and bigger, I'm 35 weeks pregnant and I'm ready for the baby to be here. Rob and I set up the nursery and I have washed all the little clothes. I think we are about ready. I have been nesting a lot, I have been cleaning everything and I'm getting really organized.
Katie started a new Pre-school and she really likes to go and seems to be learning so much. She is getting so big and she will be 2 and 1/2 next month. She is talking so much and she really likes to color and read books and play in the snow. I'm very happy she is my little girl and I feel very blessed to be having another little girl. I'm so excited Katie will have a little sister and they will grow up having each other.
Rob is still working at Bluehost, he is a senior programmer! His company moved to a new office closer to our house. He has his own office, it's really nice. It is also nice to have him closer to home :)
I was looking at some old pictures of Katie and Thinking about how much she has grown up!