Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Grinch

I don't know what my issue is this Holiday season. I just can't get into the spirit of things. I thought if I listened to Christmas music I would feel better.....nope. putting up Christmas decorations.....nope. So now I asking for help, does anyone have any inspirational thoughts or stories or ideas of things to do that might help me get into the Holiday spirit. I hate feeling like the Grinch! I know I should not feel this way because I have so very much to be greatful for, I just need to get out of this funk, Please Help :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our sweetie pies and Turkey

Princess in Training!

My kewpie doll
Sassy pants

These are some pictures from Thanksgiving weekend. We had a great Thanksgiving. We spent it with family and it was wonderful to see everyone. The best part was that it was at my uncles church building and everyone brought something, So there was no cooking at my house and nothing to clean up and no stuffing my fridge with leftovers. Woo Hoo
so to sum up the day...... it was Basketball, good food, family and a movie for the kids!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The James Miracle

So if any of you don't know yet, I'm a humongous Jason F. Wright fan :) and he has one book that is not in print anymore and I was on the hunt for a copy and have been for a long time. I was about to give up and then a special person sent me a copy in the mail. When I opened it my heart skipped a beat. I am so flippin happy that I have it and I'm sure I will Finnish it tonight!

Thank you so much CJ angel :)

New Moon and Cali!

I went to Cali to visit my mom and John for a few days and also to see
New Moon with my mom!
We had a great time with lots of laughs. I love you mom and I miss you already
Here is a picture of the beautiful redwoods my mom and John live in!
Here is the sun setting on a beach in Santa Cruz
New Moon Baby!

Alexis- Happy and feeling much better!

Here are two cute pictures I took of Lexi today, She is finally feeling better, I'm so happy!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Met Jason F. Wright AGAIN!

It's not the best picture but I'm excited all the same!
Jason spoke at the Orem library tonight and I got to go!
Jason told some amazing stories that really inspired me and gave me a new sense of faith and hope.
Thanks Jason for a really great evening!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jason F. Wright!

Tonight I got to meet author Jason F. Wright, he is the author of The Christmas Jar and The Wednesday letters. It was flippin amazing! I was a babbling idiot, sorry, I was star struck

If you have not read his books, you should they are great!
check him out!

The Swine!

So everyone at my house has been sick except for me for the last week.
First Katie got sick and then a few days later Rob got sick and then a few days later Lexie was sick. All my poor babies are sick with bad coughs and stuffy noses and fevers.
We have been to the doctors twice in one week and have gone through 3 boxes of tissue, I bottle of baby Motrin, two boxes of NyQuil and 3 Gatorade's. Many tears have been shed by Lexis, Katie and me and there have been many sleepless nights, but we have all made it through and I think we are on the upside of things. Wish us luck!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A ton more pictures

Aysa, Rowan, Alexis and Katie
Lex napping

Making cookies on the 4th of July

Lex mohawk

Lex in CA
Lex and Rowan

Princess Katie

Flapper girl

Princess Katie

Tub time



Grandma and Katie

Grandma and Katie

Making cookies

making cookies
making cookies


Katies 3rd birthday


Katie and grandma

Jamie and Craig

Alexis and Katie in tub

my sister Emily

me eating baby food

Lex eating for the first time


More pictures


Grandma and Katie

Emily, Katie and Lexis

Me and my Katie


Dad, lauri, Emily, Rob, Katie, Lexie and Me

The Family

Emily and Alexis

Emily and Katie