Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today I feel such a strong connection to my faith. I find such comfort in knowing that I have a Heavenly father and a savior that died for ME. I find comfort in the guidance the church gives us. I saw first hand last night as my little family sat down for Family home evening. I talked about compassion and I read a story and after I asked Katie what compassion meant and she said caring and loving others and expecting nothing in return. My heart melted. God loves me and he challenges me when he knows I need it and he comforts me when I need it too. I pray that everyone can feel a connection to god, you don't have to be Mormon or Jewish or Muslim. Just find a special place in your heart for the one that loves you unconditionslly and that created you. Faith is s gift you can give your self and others believe what you believe and never feel ashamed abut it

Monday, January 27, 2014


Today my heart is full of things I love doing for my family. I love cooking yummy food for them and watching them enjoy it. I love doing laundry and knowing that my family has clean clothes and fresh towels . I love cleaning and knowing that my family feels loved and comfortable in our home. I love tucking my sweet angle babies in bed at night and then after they are asleep I go in and kiss their sweet soft little plump cheeks . I whisper how much I love them and how they make everyday worth it.